Dec 1, 2023

How to use plastic bins for packing your office

How to use plastic bins for packing your office

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The best way of packing an office is to use plastic bins. When moving an office, there are many things to pack, but the most important part is to keep your documents safe. Besides documents, every employee has its own desk full of different items, and larger plastic bins are perfect for this. There will be lots of cables and IT equipment. In addition, almost every office has a kitchen, and plastic moving bins NYC are perfect for protecting your office kitchenware during transportation. So, next time your office is moving, consider using plastic bins for packing. They are sturdy enough and they come in many sizes. They will keep your sensitive documents or equipment in perfect condition for longer periods. If you need to keep your sensitive stuff in a place with high humidity, you can be sure that your items are safe in your plastic bins.

Use plastic bins for packing your office instead of cardboard boxes

If you already had an opportunity to move your office, you are probably aware of problems that come with using cardboard boxes for packing. First thing is that you will need lots of them. Cardboard boxes cannot withstand great weight, you have to assemble them before packing and they are not the best option for your most sensitive items. In addition, they won’t keep your items safe from dust, humidity, and pests. Yes, they are a cheaper option, but you can rent moving bins NYC and lower your packing supply cost that way. And, plastic moving bins are eco-friendly. They are made from recycled plastic; they are long-lasting, reusable and recyclable. That means you are helping your planet by renting eco-friendly plastic moving bins.

List of items that are going to plastic bins for packing your office

Make a list of items you are planning to pack

Make a list of items to pack

When you are packing an office, first you need to make a list of all the items that you are going to pack. That way you can precisely estimate how many plastic bins you will need to pack your items safely. In other words, you will need:

  • Small-sized plastic bins for packing your office paperwork
  • One medium-sized plastic bin for every employee to pack his own desk
  • Medium-sized plastic bins for spare office materials
  • Large plastic bin for lighter stuff, like cushions, sheets, curtains or anything similar
  • Medium plastic bins for cables
  • Plastic bins for IT equipment
  • Medium-sized plastic bins for your office kitchenware
  • One plastic bin for cleaning products and supplies

Use plastic bins for packing your office desks

Make sure that you prepare at least one medium-sized plastic bin for every employee that you have. A medium-sized plastic bin is enough to pack a desk with paperwork, office materials, and your employee’s personal items. After they finish with packing their desks make sure they label them with stickers, so when unpacking begins, they will not waste time searching for their stuff.

Paperwork outside of plastic bins for packing your office

Use plastic bins for packing your office paperwork

Plastic bins for packing your office paperwork

Prepare smaller bins for documents and paperwork. Papers are heavy so smaller bins are more adequate, they will be easier to carry, and you can separate and sort them by categories easier. In this case, you could use smaller cardboard boxes if you are just transporting your paperwork. If you plan to keep you documentation for longer periods, you should definitely use plastic storage bins with lids. Sealed plastic bins will keep your paperwork safe forever.

Use plastic bins for packing your office spare material

You will need plastic bins for spare office material, like packs of paper, spare printer cartridges, notebooks or else. If you want to put everything in the same plastic bin, make sure that you put printer cartridges in a separate plastic bag if they aren’t already packed in a plastic case. Just to make sure that they don’t leak during transportation.

Use them to pack your light stuff

Every office has cushions, curtains, kitchen rags and all that can be packed in one or two large plastic bins. If you have some bedding or towels, fold them and put them in a large plastic moving bin. Seal it to protect your clean sheets from dust and dirt.

Use them to pack cables

When you are packing your office, you will have miles of electrical, phone and internet cables to untangle and sort. Medium plastic bins are perfect for this. You can fit lots of cables inside and they will be nicely protected. Just make sure that you take photos of their layout before you start pulling them out. It will be of great help once you begin plugging them in.

Use plastic bins for packing your office IT equipment

The most important part of every office is computers. They act as storage for your business documentation. Therefore, you need to treat them with the greatest care. If your office is using laptops, then packing them will be easy. If you are using desktop computers, you can expect some packing difficulties. The most important part of your computer is a hard drive. It is the place where all your data is stored. So, it would be wise if you could pull out your hard drives from your desktop computers to store them separately. And it is not that complicated to pull out a hard drive. It will take no more than 5 minutes. Just make sure that you know what you are doing. Next, you need to pack cables. Pack each computer with its own cables. Wrap your monitor with a thick layer of plastic and you are set.

Office mugs ready for packing

Every office has a kitchen and you can use plastic bins to pack them

Plastic bins for packing your office kitchenware

If you have a kitchen, surely you have some kitchenware. Maybe some glasses, bowls or small plates. And, you will need to pack them securely if you want them to survive transportation. So, wrap each piece in a wrapping paper and make sure that they cannot move once they are inside the plastic bin. The most important part is to try to fill your moving bin to the top.

Keep you cleaning chemicals safe in plastic moving bins

You will need a few medium-sized plastic bins for packing your office cleaning products. Eco-friendly plastic bins are perfect for packing cleaning chemicals. If you accidentally spill some of the products, your plastic bin will keep it from leaking outside.