Feb 28, 2025

Essential Unpacking Supplies to Make Settling In Easier

Essential Unpacking Supplies to Make Settling In Easier

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Packing gets a lot of attention when it comes to moving, but unpacking is just as important. After all, no one wants to live out of boxes for weeks. Having the right supplies can help you settle in faster, stay organized, and avoid unnecessary frustration. If you’re about to start unpacking, here’s what you’ll need to make the process smoother.

Unpacking requires proper planning

1. Box Cutter or Utility Knife

There’s nothing more frustrating than struggling with tightly taped boxes, especially when you’ve packed up half your life in them. A good box cutter or utility knife lets you slice through tape cleanly, saving time and making it easier to break down boxes for recycling. Keep one handy from the moment you start unloading.

2. Scissors

Some things don’t require a blade but still need a quick cut—zip ties, plastic wrapping, or stubborn packaging on new home essentials. A solid pair of scissors is a must-have, especially for opening smaller packages or trimming labels off new purchases.

3. Trash Bags

Unpacking generates a surprising amount of trash. From bubble wrap and packing peanuts to old tape and unwanted papers, it all piles up fast. Heavy-duty trash bags (both for general waste and recycling) keep the mess under control so your new space stays as clutter-free as possible.

4. Labels and Markers

Even if your boxes were labeled when you packed them, it’s easy to lose track of what goes where once everything is stacked up in your new place. Keeping a permanent marker nearby allows you to quickly re-label things as you go. If you're repacking seasonal items or anything that won’t be unpacked right away, clear labeling saves you from digging through boxes later.

5. Cleaning Supplies

Before things start going into drawers, cabinets, and closets, it’s always a good idea to wipe them down. A basic cleaning kit should include:

  • Disinfectant wipes or spray – For wiping down shelves, countertops, and door handles.
  • Paper towels or cleaning rags – To handle spills or dust.
  • A small broom and dustpan or a vacuum – Especially useful if the place hasn’t been cleaned before move-in day.

6. Basic Toolkit

Furniture assembly, quick fixes, and minor adjustments are inevitable when settling in. A small toolkit should include:

  • A screwdriver (with multiple heads)
  • A hammer
  • Measuring tape
  • Pliers
  • A wrench
  • Level (if you're hanging shelves or artwork)

If you have furniture that needs assembling, an electric screwdriver or drill can save a ton of time.

7. Storage Bins or Baskets

As you unpack, you might find certain items don’t have a designated spot yet. Having a few storage bins on hand keeps things organized while you figure out where everything should go. These also help with seasonal decorations, extra cables, or household supplies that don’t need to be unpacked immediately.

8. Ziplock Bags and Small Containers

Tiny items like screws, batteries, and small accessories can easily get lost in the shuffle. Keeping Ziplock bags or small containers nearby lets you collect these bits and pieces as you go. They’re also great for holding keys, loose change, or anything you find in your pockets during the move.

9. Extension Cords and Power Strips

Not every outlet is where you need it, and it’s frustrating to realize that after setting something up. Extension cords and power strips make it easier to arrange furniture and electronics without being limited by outlet placement.

10. Notebook and Pen (or Notes App on Your Phone)

As you unpack, you’ll likely think of things you need to buy, repairs to make, or addresses to update. Instead of trying to remember everything, jotting down notes keeps everything organized. If you’re making a shopping list for household essentials, having it all in one place helps avoid multiple trips to the store.

11. A Comfortable Seat and a Snack Stash

Unpacking can take longer than expected, and taking breaks is necessary. Having a folding chair, cushion, or even just a cleared-off section of the couch makes a huge difference. A small stash of easy-to-grab snacks and drinks keeps energy levels up, especially if the kitchen isn’t set up yet.

12. A Laundry Basket or Hamper

Moving always seems to generate extra laundry—whether it’s dusty clothes from packing, sweaty outfits from lifting boxes, or linens that need a refresh before use. A laundry basket keeps everything in one place instead of scattered around the house.

13. Light Bulbs and Flashlights

Not every room is guaranteed to have working light bulbs when you arrive. Having a few spare bulbs on hand saves you from having to dig through boxes in the dark. A flashlight is also useful if you need to check dark corners, set up appliances, or deal with an unexpected power outage.

14. Shower Curtain, Towels, and Toiletries

After a long day of unpacking, a hot shower can feel like the best reward. But nothing ruins that moment faster than realizing you don’t have a shower curtain, towels, or even soap. Keeping these items easily accessible means you can freshen up without having to dig through multiple boxes.

15. Phone Charger

Amidst all the unpacking, a dead phone is the last thing you want. Keeping a charger within reach ensures you can call for help, look up instructions, or take a break with a quick scroll through social media.

16. First Aid Kit

Moving involves a lot of lifting, unpacking, and possibly some minor accidents. Having band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and basic pain relievers nearby can be a lifesaver if you get a paper cut or a sore back from all the heavy lifting.

17. A ‘First Night’ Box

Some essentials should be kept together so you don’t have to dig through multiple boxes just to get through the first night. This box should include:

  • Pajamas and a change of clothes
  • Basic toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant)
  • Phone charger
  • Essential medications
  • Bedding (or at least a blanket and pillow)

It’s much easier to get a good night’s sleep when you have everything you need within arm’s reach.

Making the Process Smoother

Unpacking doesn’t have to feel like a never-ending chore. With the right supplies, the process is faster, less stressful, and even a little satisfying as you watch your new place come together. Having essentials close by means you can focus on turning your space into a home instead of scrambling for missing items.

Before you start, take a deep breath, put on some good music or a podcast, and enjoy the fresh start. It might take some time, but every box opened is one step closer to settling in.