Dec 1, 2023

Planning your new office layout - tips and tricks

Planning your new office layout - tips and tricks

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There are many things that happen when you are moving an office. You will not only be coordinating the entire thing, but you also need to think about your workers, their stuff, as well as the future of your office. Then, you should look into all the paperwork, eco-friendly moving boxes and getting professional help for the move. However, all of this doesn't have to be so bleak! With proper organization, your office move will come and go and you won't even notice it! Also, there is a thing you can get excited about - planning your new office layout! This is a great chance to start fresh - and to accommodate everyone. In this article, you can discover some of the most important things you need to keep in mind at this time!

Create a good moving team

One of the most important tasks you will have in the upcoming months is the creating of a good moving team. This should be a group of reliable people from each of your departments. With them by your side, you will be able to delegate all your work! This way, not only are you reducing the amount of stress you will have, but the move will be done faster and more thoroughly. It's really simple - the fewer tasks you have to do, the better you will do them. The same applies to everyone!

a moving team planning your new office layout

Get a good moving team!A thing to remember here is that you shouldn't be afraid to ask your team to do some chores. For example, finding plastic moving bins NYC is not hard - and not many people will complain about doing. However, these are only extra stuff. Each person should be responsible for their own department. They should talk with the workers and get them to pack their cubicles themselves - you cannot move their items with you. While they are doing this, they should also talk with them about the office space and what they expect from the new one.This way, you will get a clear picture of what your workers' needs are, and you will get great help with planning your new office layout. Maybe some of the workers will have a great idea that you can incorporate! So don't be afraid to talk to everyone and see their opinions. Of course, just keep in mind that you are not a genie! You cannot make everybody's wishes come true!

Budget is important for planning your new office layout

Before you sit down and start planning exactly what you will have in your office, you need a budget. It can be great to dream and jot down all ideas, but as we mentioned - you are not magic. Renovations take time and money - and you need to see how much you can afford to spend. This way, you will be able to figure out if everyone can get new furniture, or if you will need to reuse the old ones. You will also have great inside into just how many new stuff you will be able to get - and from where.

budget graph

Your budget is very important!The next thing you might want to consider when creating a budget is who will be planning your new office layout. If you have a lot of money to spend, then getting an interior designer might not be a bad idea. They have the skills needed to create an optimal space. What's more, they will make it not only look nice but feel nice as well! However, this costs money, so if you have to save it, then you might have to do the planning yourself. On the other hand, this will cost you time - so try to balance this out!

Thinking about the furniture

Now we are moving to the actual planning. The first thing you will do is to take a good look at your furniture. Planning your new office layout includes deciding whether what you already have is good enough. If your items are old or not of good quality, then it's time to replace them. These items can be health risks - creating back pain, migraines, eye strain and so on. Conversely, if you have more money, you might want to raise the environment score of your room with some nice art or fancy items.

a meeting room

Think about different zones in your office.Usually, the experts will recommend ergonomic chairs as the first items for your new office. Those with armrest and swivel mechanisms are the best. If you can also adjust the height, width, and depth on them - even better, and lumbar support is a big plus too! The important thing to remember here is that your office is probably diverse. They will all have different needs, and the furniture should reflect that.

Think about variety when planning your new office layout

However, it's not only in the furniture that you need to show you understand the variety and diversity of your office. The quality of your new office space will be higher if you create different workspace environments. This, of course, depends on your office and the needs of your workers, but the most popular areas in any office are quiet areas, then places for collaborative work, and even relaxation or game areas for the breaks.Even though this might seem too modern or "hip", it's actually pretty important. One of the staples of good office space is happy employees. By having a happy workforce, you will boost the productivity of the office - and there is no better reward than that! So, to conclude, planning your new office layout will mean you are balancing a couple of things. On the one side, you should consider the budget. On the other, the health of your employees is important, as well as their happiness. Finding the balance between these means you will have a good moving experience!