Dec 1, 2023

How to recognize fake online moving reviews?

How to recognize fake online moving reviews?

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If you are planning a relocation any time soon, you will need to find a good and experienced moving company to help you with that project. And if this is the first time you are having such a project, this part can be tricky. First of all, as there are many moving companies out there, hence you need to find the most suitable one. And that is not an easy thing to do. You really need to realize the importance of asking your movers questions when looking for one. And, among all, you need to know how to recognize fake online moving reviews. If you fail that, you can end up in some serious trouble. And that is the last thing you need when organizing a move. That is why we will guide you through this process and explain how to recognize fake reviews and fraudulent moving companies.

First things first

Organizing a move is definitely one of the biggest projects you can have. There are so many things you need to cover, think about, and organize. And if you are doing that for the first time, it is even more complicated. Keep in mind that you can delegate many tasks, and that is exactly what you should do, If you think you can handle relocation all by yourself DIY style, well, that can turn into a nightmare. And problems and complications are a sort of things you want to avoid. Therefore, if you are moving with your family, make sure everyone knows their role and responsibilities.But there is one task you need to, let's say outsource to professionals. And that is handling your belongings. Moving companies are the best pick for this part of the relocation. So, if you are wondering whether to hire movers or have a DIY move - there's really no doubt here. And that is exactly the task that requires the most of your attention and devotion. Finding good, responsible, and experienced movers can take some time, and you must make sure you have it enough. Therefore, it is best to start planning on time.While looking for the moving company to take care of your relocation, one thing is particularly important. And that are movers' reviews. These will help you with your decision, as you will be able to see and read about the experience of other people with a certain moving company. But, you will also need to be careful and make sure you can recognize fake online moving reviews. As these are very often nowadays, you can't take anything for granted.

A few words about online moving reviews

Online moving reviews are actually stories of others' experience with a particular moving company. There are a few places on the internet where you can find these. First, you can find these reviews on the movers' website. Every decent moving company will have a section for such stories on their website. And they will always ask their clients to write a few words after the job is done. You shouldn't have a problem finding these on the website as they are usually highlighted and visible to the visitors. This is something moving companies are using as proof of their competence and, as it is free, they are trying to present these stories to their potential customers.

a man writing on computer

Not all reviews are genuine.As these stories are not the best or at least the most trustworthy pieces of information you should use, there are also other places where you can find reviews. There are many non-biased and independent forums, chatrooms, and social network groups with this topic. As no moving company is controlling such online space, you can be a bit more sure that what you are reading is genuine. Some of these spaces are members-only, hence you will need to fill the registration form before you gain access to it. If that is the case, do it. It is a small price to pay, and you can get much more relevant information than on movers' websites.

How to recognize fake online moving reviews?

Now let's speak about things you need to pay attention to in order to recognize fake online moving reviews. The price of the moving services is very important for you, as this is not a cheap project. On the other hand, it shouldn't be cheap, as the low price usually means low quality as well. And you are looking only for the best. Therefore, while finding the best moving rates of professional packers you wish to hire, you need to pay attention to what others are saying about the price they paid. And, more importantly, the quality they got for that price. So always pay attention to the following things:

  • Reviews
  • Price
  • Availability

Speaking about reviews on the website of the moving company, there is one thing you must pay extra attention to. If all stories and review are only positive, make sure you do not take it for granted. Even though the moving company will probably block negative comments, not every word in the reviews should go in their favor. No one is perfect. So, make sure you recognize the tone of these reviews.

a piggy bank

Pay attention to the priceOnce you find several moving companies that you think could go on your short-list of candidates, try to look for more information on other places we spoke about earlier. If you manage to find the name of the moving company you are considering to hire here, it is a great thing. That means they actually have clients that left genuine reviews. And exactly these reviews should be something you can take into consideration while deciding on which movers you will hire.

Make sure you share your experience

person writing something on laptop

Always share your experienceIn order to find the perfect match, make sure you avoid fraudulent movers. This is a two-way street, hence if you are nice to them you can expect for them to be the same to you. And that is very important for the success of mutual cooperation. Finally, when you relocate, make sure you leave a review of your experience. And always try to hire your movers locally. This way you can ask around if these movers are good. It is always easier to find movers in your area as there is a better chance someone you know hired them before.