Dec 1, 2023

What are the most common storage scams and how to avoid them?

What are the most common storage scams and how to avoid them?

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Green Box | Capital City Bins

You no longer need to worry about the challenging tasks when it comes to packing and organizing your moving process. With our premium plastic moving bins and green storage bins, this is no longer a concern.

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There are many reasons why you should get a storage unit for your belongings. Simply, if you get high quality moving supplies, and choose a great storage unit, your belongings will be safe for as long as you need them to be there. That is why you need to make sure you choose your storage right. You need to know about the most common storage scams and how to avoid them. It's the only way to be able to avoid getting tricked into getting a unit that doesn't suit your needs.

What are the most common storage scams and how to avoid them?

This is obviously not a simple question, and there are so many answers that you would be surprised. The thing is, people will always come up with more scams and you will always have to do your best to get the solution and avoid them even better. That is why you need to make sure you choose great moving bins and store your belongings in a place where you won't have to worry about them. So, you need to know what are the most common scams and how to go around them.

a man with papers

There are many types of storage scams, and you need to know about them so you can avoid them.

Renting a unit that is not secure

Pretty much every single storage company claims to have secure, safe, and overlooked storage units that you can store pretty much anything in. There are gates, locks, security, security cameras, and your belongings are absolutely safe there. Now, you surely heard, at least once, that someone's belongings went missing from a storage unit. That is because your belongings are not always safe there. That is why you need to research every facility before leaving your belongings there. Never leave your boxes in a unit you haven't checked.

Additional fees to pay

Another common storage fraud is charging you additionally for something you haven't discussed or didn't want in the first place. This can be quite a big problem, especially if you just stored plastic storage bins for moving and headed home. So, before you store your belongings, make sure you sign a contract and double-check if all the fees are stated there. You will be fine this way.

Writing in small letters

This can be easily avoided as well. You need to make sure you read your whole contract and that includes the small writing. It's the only way for you to take care of this issue. So, once you know exactly what the contract says, you can be sure that you won't be tricked.


Watch out for the small writing, there might be scams.

Belongings getting stolen and missing

There have been different cases where people's belongings get stolen or missing. Some fraudulent storage companies decide to participate in these things, so you need to make sure you avoid it as well. Only use storage companies that haven't had these kinds of incidents happen. This way, you will easily avoid another fraud. Now that you know about common storage scams and how to avoid them, you will find a store with ease.