Dec 1, 2023

Packing tips for an affordable move

Packing tips for an affordable move

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Green Box | Capital City Bins

You no longer need to worry about the challenging tasks when it comes to packing and organizing your moving process. With our premium plastic moving bins and green storage bins, this is no longer a concern.

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Moving can be quite expensive. First of all, you should hire professionals when relocating to a new house or an apartment. Professional moving services are not cheap but they can be affordable. Then, you need to gather all the necessary packing and moving supplies. This can also be quite expensive, especially if you want to buy new supplies. For this reason, you should follow our packing tips for an affordable move. It is important to save money when relocating, especially if you want to renovate afterward.

To begin with

Before you read all the tips, you should know how to organize one relocation. First of all, you should start your moving preparations at least two months in advance. Then, you should hire reliable movers. Since it is important you stay environmentally friendly through relocation, you can do little research about green box rentals. In addition to this, you should also make a packing schedule. This way, you will stay organized and meet all the deadlines when moving.

Person sealing a package after following our packing tips for an affordable move.

Make sure to have all the necessary packing and moving supplies if you want to follow our packing tips for an affordable move.

Declutter your home before relocation

How to save money when moving? You need to declutter your home. The reason is simple. If you have your items to move, the price of your moving services will be lower. For this reason, you should go room by room and select all the items you're no longer using. Divide those items into three piles.

  • Items to move
  • Donate or sell
  • Throw away

If you want to sell or donate your items, they need to be in perfect condition. For selling, you can organize a garage sale or you can try to sell your items online. On the other hand, if you plan to donate, you can contact your local charity organizations. You can also contact some major charities, such as Goodwill and the Salvation Army US since they organize a free pickup. Additionally, you should save the receipt so you can apply for tax deduction after the move.

A red ''Sale'' sign.

You can organize a garage sale.

More packing tips for an affordable move

After you declutter your home, you should gather all the necessary packing and moving supplies. In order to save money, you can use second hand moving boxes, rent plastic storage bins for moving, your sheets, blankets, clothes to wrap your items, shredded paper to fill the empty space in the boxes, and so on. You do not have to buy new packing supplies for your relocation. You can find free boxes online or get them from your local supermarket. Packing tips for an affordable move also include rolling your clothes before packing, avoiding overstuffing your boxes, getting moving insurance, and getting help. If you plan to move your large and heavy furniture, you need to get help from professionals or from your family and friends. Otherwise, you might cause serious property damage or injure yourself. Both of these situations are very expensive. For this reason, if you want to have an affordable move, prepare well in advance, pack everything properly, and label your boxes.