Dec 1, 2023

Moving in with a roommate in NYC

Moving in with a roommate in NYC

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Moving in with a roommate in NYC can be one of the best experiences you have ever had in your life. The City of New York is simply amazing, and it is even more amazing if you have a really good friend there. Thus, it does not matter if you are relocating to NYC for college, for fun, for work, or for an adventure - everyone is welcome in this amazing part of the United States of America. However, if you are moving in with a roommate, you can either have one of the best moving experiences, or one of the worst ones. This, of course, depends on both parties, so make sure to talk to your potential roommate about anything. Our team of experts has prepared a really nice guide to help you start your relocation with a roommate. We hope that you will read it until the end.

Moving in with a roommate in NYC

There are certain rules both you and your roommate should follow if you want to have an amazing NYC experience. Respect each other, think about each other's needs and you will be fine. Find some really good packing supplies and start planning your move together. Then, you should:Plan every part of your move carefully. Since you are not relocating alone, this part will be a lot easier than it seems. Two heads were always better than one, especially when planning is concerned. Play to each other's strengths, but consider each other's needs. If one of you two does not like flashy lights, a lot of noise, and so on, avoid the center of NYC at all costs. Otherwise, one of you two will not be able to sleep for days, even months. You should also think about hiring a professional moving company to relocate you without any issues. Capital City Bins, for example, is never a bad choice.Prepare and organize your finances. The tricky part when this is concerned is that both of you will not be relocating from the same place most likely. Instead, you will both be relocating from your current homes. This means that there will be two different relocations when this is concerned. Remember what we said about planning a move together? Well, this only works for the move-in and the location hunting. It does not work for packing and moving unless you want to help each other relocate. Also, think about should you rent a place in NYC, or buy one. Since you will be roommates, a good idea would be to rent a place and not purchase the property.

Two girls posing for a picture

Make sure to know your roommate well before you move in together.

Some things you will need to plan separately

There are some things you will need to plan separately from your roommate. Even if both of you will need plastic wardrobe boxes for moving, you should still plan the following separately:The number of packing supplies and materials. You will not need the same amount of packing supplies and materials for your NYC relocation. Naturally, one of you two will have more items than the other. That person will have to rent out more moving supplies than the other. There is an easy way about knowing how to tell how many boxes you need to rent. Simply calculate how much you will need for your largest room, and purchase at least three or four times more than that. It will be one of the best things you can do, so do not save money on your relocation supplies.The packing process. You will also need to pack on your own, provided that you will not be helping your roommate, or that your roommate will not be helping you. Make sure that you have read some guides on how to properly pack your supplies and equipment and you will be fine. Also, if you ever happen to need any help, you can always call a moving company in NYC to help you out with that. Think outside of the box all the time. It will make your relocation process much more enjoyable than it probably is.

The packing process

You should focus on the packing process the most

Moving in with a roommate in NYC - help each other out

You should definitely help each other out if you can. Here are two of the best ways you can help each other out:

  • Work on two moves separately, but together. It might be a good idea to relocate one person to your new NYC apartment or a house and then the other. Since you will be living together, you might as well start getting used to solving difficult problems together. This is, of course, the situation when the two of you are looking for an NYC apartment together and no one has an apartment ready for the other person to move in. If you work together, you will be able to overcome everything.
  • Pay for the expenses together. You can even do a conjoined relocation to your new NYC apartment and pay for the relocation services together. This will be like killing two birds with one stone - you will both relocate for half the price of a typical relocation. It is never a bad idea to think about all your options. This is, also, one of the best options to consider.

Get to know your roommate more

You should use this opportunity to get to know your roommate more. It will be really important to know everything you can about the person you will be living with. Since this might be the start of a wonderful friendship, start by going out to get some food together. Shake Shack is one of the most-known burger places in NYC. So, if both of you are not from NYC, make sure to meet the city in the best possible manner - with some really amazing food.

A juicy burger.

Make sure to explore some of the best places in NYC for food as well.

Moving in with a roommate in NYC - conclusion

In the end, moving in with a roommate can be a really exciting, amazing, and overall unique experience. However, both of you will need to work on your strengths and weaknesses if you want to make it work properly. In any case, NYC is one of the most amazing cities in the world - what better way to explore it than with a friend?