Dec 1, 2023

Most affordable NYC neighborhoods

Most affordable NYC neighborhoods

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There are a lot of things that you need to think about when moving. You will be searching for plastic bin boxes and the right moving company, trying to figure out the cheapest way to move to New York City. This is how the thought of actually settling in an affordable space might not even occur to you! However, over a million people have moved out of the Big Apple in the last decade - and one of the reasons they listed is the high rent and the cost of living. This is why finding the most affordable NYC neighborhoods is a priority before you even start planning your move there! But worry not! Capital City Bins are here to help you in your search! In today's article, this is exactly what we take a look at! So strap on, and let's visit the City that never sleeps together!

Understand New York City and its boroughs to find the most affordable NYC neighborhoods

To understand New York City, you need to understand its boroughs and how they function. The Big Apple is divided into five separate yet connected territories. These are:

  • the Bronx,
  • Brooklyn,
  • Manhattan,
  • Queens,
  • Staten Island

There is a lot to pick from in New York City!All of them function similarly to a smaller city within the massive and buzzing metropolis known as New York City. What's more, each of the boroughs is further divided into territories called neighborhoods. They all have a distinct look and feel to them, and they all participate in creating a local flavor of the borough. So, in order to find the most affordable NYC neighborhoods, you will need to take a look at different boroughs. From there, you will decide what sounds most like you - that's where you will want to move to!

The Bronx hides a lot of greenery!

The Bronx is the home of hip-hop. This is also where all the home-run heroes are from, as well as the borough with hundreds of acres of greenery as well as homes that will make a history buff fall in love! If you want to feel like you are in Champs-Élysées, then the Bronx should be your home! And for those looking into an ecological move, then green box rentals are a great choice for this green borough!The Bronx actually has one of the most affordable NYC neighborhoods! This is Parkchester, where the median home price is $180,000! It is a planned community that was originally created by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Now, it sits in the very center of the Bronx, giving its name to the surrounding area, too. Metropolitan Avenue, White Plains Road, and Unionport Road go right through Parkchester.

Queens has a lot of the most affordable NYC neighborhoods

If you want to live somewhere diverse, then Queens is your go-to place! As a matter of fact, many consider it to be the most diverse place on the planet! There isn't much that will bore you here! Just the food scene here is magnificent! You will find vendors from every place in the world, and the tastes will make you cry from happiness!But it's not just food that you can enjoy in Queens! Apart from having some of the most affordable NYC neighborhoods, Queens also offers a lot to those who love sports, modern art as well as being in nature! As you can see, there is something for everyone!

Queens has a lot of the most affordable NYC neighborhoods

You will find a lot of amazing stuff in Queens!However, you are looking for the most affordable NYC neighborhoods, and we are happy to inform you that there are quite a few in Queens! First, there is Hammels with a median home value of $275,000. Howard Beach follows with the median value of $387,795. Finally, Kew Gardens has a value of $402,800 for a home and Cambria Heights raises this up to $415,000.

Manhattan is the heart of the city

Let's be honest - you are probably moving to New York City because it is the center of the universe! And to be in the very heart of it is the main goal of everyone looking to make a good living! If you have had Broadway dreams, then it's Manhattan that you want!Time Square sits at the very heart of the borough, and it paints a great picture of what it looks like. Famous landmarks are everywhere, as well as attractions that will make your friends jealous! However, Manhattan is also the borough where most affordable NYC neighborhoods will not be found!

Brooklyn is for everyone!

This is an often agreed-upon fact! From history buffs to hipsters - everyone calls Brooklyn their home! This is the borough with the largest population. Maybe it is because of so many people living here that there isn't just one thing we can point towards when talking about Brooklyn. There is amazing live music, great restaurants as well as a lot of sports here! All that and more awaits after the Brooklyn Bridge, which is a sight to see in and of itself!

brooklyn bridge

You need to see the Brooklyn Bridge after moving to New York City!

Staten Island hides the most affordable NYC neighborhoods

One of the most forgotten boroughs of New York City, Staten Island might actually be the best place to live in if you are looking for cheap life! You can easily get to it with Staten Island Ferry, and it can actually steal the title of the greenest borough from the Bronx! Staten Island doesn't feel like a borough - it's more like a gateway within the City! The North Shore is full of maritime history, but there are also a lot of beaches and parkland.And as we mentioned, Staten Island is actually the borough with the most affordable NYC neighborhoods around! There is Port Ivory with a median home value of $362,228 and New Brighton with a median home value of $365,000. Buying a home in the Mariners will cost you around $399,000 while doing so in Concord will be around $401,171. Finally, a home in Travis will cost you around $405,000. Now all that's left is for you to contact us and start planning your move!