Dec 1, 2023

How to turn your attic into a home office?

How to turn your attic into a home office?

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Unfortunately, homes are not usually equipped with an office. And now due to the pandemics of COVID-19 and people working more from home, the request for it has increased. No matter, if you have an extra room to spare, garage. Especially if you want to turn your attic into a home office, it can be quite interesting and challenging. You will need to make a detailed plan and, of course, acquire some materials. You will also need plastic box rental to pack your stuff and move them to your new home office. So you have to prepare well in order to convert your attic into a home office.

Remember these tips if you want to turn your attic into a home office

When it comes to converting rooms, you have to make a detailed plan and search for the advantages and disadvantages that your attic has. You have to check every corner of the room and try to get the most of it.

Man making plans

Make a detailed plan and scope out every corner of your attic before you turn your attic into a home officeHere are some great tips that will help you:

  • Scope the space - When turning your attic into a home office make sure to check the walls, the insulation, the wiring, and the windows. It’s important to have enough light coming in, so if you don’t have a window, you can include one in your renovation plan. If you already know what you’re looking for in a home office, the adaptation will be a lot easier for you. Consider renting plastic bins for moving when clearing out your attic. All the unnecessary items should be removed.
  • Insulation is crucial - You have to ensure that your attic is well insulated. Install proper insulation with the correct R-value for your region. Alternately, make sure your attic is well ventilated, especially during the summer heat.

Setting the foundation

After you acquire the proper permits, you need to install the floor. You can choose between good-quality wood, cork, laminate, or bamboo flooring. It is important that it can withstand the fluctuations in temperature, and also be able to support the weight of your office equipment. If you are not skilled enough to make a decision, we highly recommend that you hire a contractor to do the work for you.

Computer on wooden desk with lights.

Try to brighten up space in case you lack windows in your attic.After you set up the floor, it is time to focus on the lightning. There are many lighting ideas that you can find online. Your desk should be nearby a window and take advantage of the natural light. If your attic lacks windows, you can always brighten it up with floor and desk lamps. An electrician will surely make good use of the space and wire it properly. Place the lamps at various points in the room. It will make your space feel much brighter and pleasant for work.When it comes to decoration, you can do it however you want it. You can use moving storage bins to place your miscellaneous things. There are many ideas that you can also find online in order to get a perfect attic office.But you should not exaggerate with the decoration. Try not to overload the plastic bins that you use for storage in your new office. Try to keep it simple and clean. If you decide to turn your attic into a home office expect it to be a big project. So prepare well, keep it simple and functional and you will afterward enjoy your new office.