Dec 1, 2023

How to store your older kid's clothes and preserve it for younger siblings

How to store your older kid's clothes and preserve it for younger siblings

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So it is time to pack some of the old, or out of the season clothes, of your older child. You are probably wondering how and where to put it. We got you covered. We can tell you how you can store your older kid's clothes so they can be stored safely and without any damages. Just keep reading so you can do it fast and without any issues.

What to do before you store your older kid's clothes

Like everything, you need to prepare your kid's clothes for storing. Now, you can do this by washing them. Every clothes should have its own instructions on how you should wash them. After this, you can let them dry and iron them afterward. But, if you are looking to store them, then you need to pack them properly. You can't do this in some regular moving boxes. You can use good moving bins for this. They will protect them from any pests or moisture.

Two kids hugging and holding a teddy bear.

Wash everything before you store your older kid's clothes

Small lavender bags are the best against moths

We all know that moths will go for textile. And there is not much you can do. The best way you can protect your kid's clothes from moths is to put a moth repellent in the plastic storage bins with them. Not only will it repel any possible larvae and grown-up pests, but it will give your clothes a fresh and nice smell once you come back for them.

Make sure you have all the supplies needed

Sometimes it can be really hard to get all the packing supplies for your tasks. And if you have a lot of clothes to pack, then the real "fun" begins. First things first, try to find a company that can sell you good moving supplies NJ. It is a sure way to avoid any possible issues regarding the lack of packing supplies.Now that you have enough packing supplies, the next step you should do is to get new vacuum bags. Did you know that these bags can save you a lot of free space when packing? Especially when it comes to clothes. Not only that, but they will keep the freshness of your clothes. And if you mix them with proper packing boxes as we mentioned before, you will have a perfect place to store your kid's clothes. All you have to do is take your vacuum and suck out all the air from them.

A woman using a vacuum bag.

Use vacuum bags whenever you can.As you can see, these are the best ways to store your older kid's clothes so you can later give them to your younger kids. We hope we gave you enough information, so you can make your packing process easier. You can come over to our blog, and see what other packing tips and tricks we can give you.