Dec 1, 2023

How to have a green relocation during the pandemic?

How to have a green relocation during the pandemic?

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Green Box | Capital City Bins

You no longer need to worry about the challenging tasks when it comes to packing and organizing your moving process. With our premium plastic moving bins and green storage bins, this is no longer a concern.

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Moving houses is no small feat. It involves a lot of planning and decision making. Especially nowadays, with the COVID-19 pandemic happening. This is why it is even more important to think through every step of the move. Another thing to put thought into is how to have a green relocation during the pandemic. Care for the environment should be a part of every aspect of our life. This involves making sure that the moving supplies we use aren't doing any harm to the environment. At Capital City Bins this is top priority.

The first step to have a green relocation during the pandemic

Firstly, the process you want to go through before anything else is organizing your belongings for the packing. A big part of this is getting rid of items that you no longer need. Too often people forget what is hiding in all of their drawers and closets. Organizing your wardrobe is most likely going to end in realizing you use a third of them. However, you don't want to simply throw away the things you no longer need. The key to being green is to give away some things to friends, family or a local charity organization. That way, you will find a new use for all of your unwanted stuff.

Renting moving supplies is eco-friendly

The moving process can generate a massive amount of waste if not done responsibly. It is highly advisable to avoid using cardboard boxes, but if you must, try to get the recycled ones. Cardboard boxes are bad news for the environment if we don't dispose of them correctly. On the other hand, a great eco-friendly option is to rent green moving boxes for the move. They generate zero waste and are highly practical. Since they are plastic, there is no need to worry about getting your things damaged in the relocation process.

person holding a plant

The easiest way to have a green relocation during the pandemic is to rent moving supplies

Be mindful of what you use for your green relocation

A useful tip for keeping it green is to try to find things you already own to safely pack your things. For example, when packing breakable items, you can use your clothes to wrap them up for the move. However, this will not work for everything. So when buying green moving supplies, look out for the ones that are bio-degradable or ones that you can easily recycle afterwards or maybe re-use in a different way.

Being safe during your green relocation

people putting masks on

Be safe and follow pandemic regulations during your relocationWhile choosing green options is of utmost importance, another thing to keep in mind at all times is to follow COVID-19 advice for the public. Get informed in time about everything concerning the pandemic. Do your research to find a reliable moving company that follows all safety measures. You might want to opt for handling the packing process yourself so you don't involve too many people in the process and avoid getting your things contaminated. Wear a face mask when having contact with people and try to keep the contact at a minimum. Provided you apply our tips, you will be able to have a green relocation during the pandemic in a safe and responsible manner.