Dec 1, 2023

How to clean out the empty nest?

How to clean out the empty nest?

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When your kids leave your home it can be very emotional. However, it means that you will have more space in your household. With the right moving supplies and materials, everything will be easier. That's why we at Capital City Bins are here to support you with the best quality of moving supplies. But not just that! Here are just some of the tips that can be helpful for you when you clean out the empty nest after your kids' departure.

Get all the supplies that you think are necessary

First things need to come first. For that reason, before you start with this huge emotional challenge make sure to have all the supplies that you need. Gather your strength and check out what you really need for this task. From plastic moving totes to moving boxes you will need to have the right equipment. Depending on the mess your kids have left behind you will need great or good quality materials and equipment. Of course, our main advice will always be to get yourself the top-notch level of equipment. That's because of their longevity and they will be able to handle more.

An opened moving box

Get all the necessary supplies before you clean out the empty nest

Go room by room in reconquering your home

Don't try to spread too much and stay organized as much as you can. For that reason, make sure to go room by room and clean out the empty nest with consideration to all the emotional belongings you have in your kid's rooms. If you have some of the items you don't want to throw away, you can always put them in our storage bins as they will be kept safe in them. Of course, they are designed for all types of storage so make sure to put them where you find it fit to do so. Handling this process step by step will make it far easier to do and manage emotionally.

What is that you want to accomplish when cleaning out the empty nest

When you give yourself goals everything gets easier to do. On top of that, if you make a time frame for them it becomes even more realistic. The next step when cleaning out the empty nest is to give rooms a new purpose. Is it time to transform the basement into a rec room now that the kids don't play there anymore? There are an infinite amount of options that can be helpful to you and fully transform your household. For that reason knowing what you want to do is crucial. Make sure that you have an idea of what you want to do with every room.

A man thinking

Have a good idea of what you want to do

Make a plan and schedule for it

There's no good action without a plan. For that reason, make sure that you have everything put on one piece of paper. This will make it easier for you to find the perfect time to do it. Maybe on a holiday or a weekend? Whatever the time, make sure to give yourself enough time to go through all the items. Even if you need professional help check, out Better Business Bureau and find the best movers to assist you. They will surely get the process up to speed and make it more efficient. The main thing is that you know what you want to have as a goal of you cleaning out the empty nest.

Use the snowball effect to your advantage when you clean out the empty nest

What's the snowball effect? It's a concept where you start off by doing the smallest things and get momentum to start working on bigger projects. It's similar to the concept of going room by room as you have the same thing of going step by step. But in this situation, you start with the smallest and gradually move to the biggest challenge. You can say that it's more of a mental hack than an actual moving tip, but the people who used it say that it's very effective.

Make sure to declutter as much as possible

Downsizing and decluttering are processes that you need to do from time to time. It will make organizing your home easier. However, with all the items your kids leave behind it can pose a big challenge. However, make sure to make a list of things that your kids would probably keep and that you want to have as a little souvenir. On the other hand, there will surely be items that you can either throw away or donate. Of course, that will depend on the monetary and sentimental value of the item.

A woman folding clothes

Make sure to declutter as much as you can

Clean everything up after you finish

Now that you finally liberated your home and have it all for yourself, it's time to do one more thing. That is cleaning everything up. Make sure that you have everything dusted off as it's a great way to start a new chapter. Or even better, you can hire professional cleaning services to do it for you. Use only natural products to make the cleaning process easier for you and for your floors and furniture. This can be a great way to start off from a good point with your newfound space.It's not easy to relocate or rearrange when you have an emotional event in your life. Be it that your kids are going to college or finally moving out, it definitely changes not just your household but also your lifestyle. For that reason, it's a good idea to start to clean out the empty nest after you stabilize emotionally. With a good organization, a plan, and quality moving and packing supplies we're sure you're going to make your house shine.