Sep 30, 2024

What to Do with Cleaning Supplies When Moving?

What to Do with Cleaning Supplies When Moving?

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Packing up your home involves a lot of decisions—especially when it comes to items like cleaning supplies. They’re essential but can feel tricky to manage during a move. What do you keep? What do you toss? How do you safely transport them?

This article will break down the best strategies for handling your cleaning supplies when moving, offering expert tips to make the process smooth, efficient, and stress-free. From eco-friendly disposal to ensuring everything arrives safely at your new home, we’ll cover all your options.

1. Assess Your Current Cleaning Supplies

Dispose all old cleaning supplies

Before you even think about packing your cleaning supplies, the first step is to take stock of what you have. Cleaning supplies accumulate over time, and chances are you may have more than you realize. Go through your cabinets and closets to assess the following:

  • Expiration Dates: Cleaning supplies, like food, can expire. Check the labels on everything, from disinfectants to dish soap, and toss anything past its prime. Expired products may not work as effectively and could even become hazardous.
  • Half-Empty Bottles: Consider how much product is left. If you have multiple half-empty bottles of the same cleaner, consolidate them into one container to save space and cut down on clutter.
  • Unopened Products: You might come across unopened bottles or boxes of cleaning supplies. These can be valuable to take with you or donate if you don’t want to transport them.

Pro Tip:

When decluttering, focus on what you’ll realistically use at your new home. This helps cut down on unnecessary packing and ensures you have the essentials ready once you move in.

2. Decide What to Keep, Toss, or Donate

Once you’ve assessed your cleaning supplies, it’s time to make decisions. What will come with you to the new place, and what can be left behind? Here’s how to make those choices:

  • Keep: If you have full or nearly full bottles of cleaning supplies you regularly use, they’re worth keeping. Transporting them is a little tricky (we’ll get to that), but it can save you money and time at your new home. Products like multi-purpose cleaners, laundry detergent, and dish soap are often worth the hassle.
  • Toss: If you find any expired, half-used, or very old cleaning products, it’s usually best to toss them. Make sure to dispose of hazardous materials (such as bleach or ammonia) properly. Never pour them down the drain or toss them in the trash without checking your local disposal guidelines.
  • Donate: Did you know you can donate certain cleaning supplies? Many local shelters, schools, or even neighbors might appreciate unopened or lightly used products. Contact organizations in your area or ask around on neighborhood apps to see if someone can make use of what you no longer need.

Pro Tip:

Keep your donation process simple. Place items in a box labeled "donate" and drop them off before moving day to avoid additional clutter.

3. How to Safely Transport Cleaning Supplies

Once you’ve decided what to take, it’s essential to think about how you’ll get them to your new home. Many cleaning supplies are classified as hazardous materials and can’t be transported by moving companies. But if you’re the or planning to transport them yourself, here’s how to do it safely:

1. Securely Pack Liquids

Cleaning supplies like window cleaner, bleach, and dish soap are liquids and need to be packed carefully to avoid spills.

  • Use Plastic Bins: Pack liquids in sturdy, waterproof plastic bins rather than cardboard boxes to prevent leaks from damaging other belongings.
  • Seal Bottles Tightly: Make sure caps are screwed on securely. For extra protection, consider placing plastic wrap over the bottle opening before tightening the cap.
  • Place Bottles Upright: Always pack cleaning supplies upright to reduce the risk of leaks during transportation.
  • Label the Box: Clearly label the box as “Cleaning Supplies” and mark it as fragile if necessary. This will alert you or the movers to handle it with care.

2. Transport Separately if Possible

If you’re driving to your new home, consider transporting cleaning supplies separately from the rest of your belongings. Keep them in the car with you to ensure they’re handled safely.

3. Follow Hazardous Material Guidelines

Some cleaning products, especially those containing chemicals like ammonia or bleach, are considered hazardous materials and need to be handled accordingly. Many moving companies won’t move these items due to safety regulations, so if you’re using movers, be sure to ask in advance. If you need to transport them yourself, ensure they’re properly packed and stored away from food or other sensitive items.

4. Eco-Friendly Disposal of Cleaning Supplies

What about the cleaning supplies you aren’t taking with you? Disposal of certain products requires care to avoid environmental harm. Here are some eco-friendly tips:

  • Read the Labels: Many cleaning products come with disposal instructions on the label. Follow these carefully to ensure you aren’t putting hazardous chemicals into landfills or down the drain.
  • Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites: If you have items like bleach, ammonia, or aerosol cans, take them to your local hazardous waste disposal site. Many cities offer free drop-offs, especially around moving seasons.
  • Dilute and Dispose: For items like vinegar, baking soda, or non-toxic cleaning sprays, you can dilute them with water and dispose of them down the drain. Just make sure you aren’t combining chemicals that could react dangerously.

Pro Tip:

If you're unsure about the safest way to dispose of a particular cleaning product, your local waste management authority is a great resource. They can advise on the best practices for hazardous waste.

5. Cleaning Your Old Place Before You Move

Now that you’ve sorted, packed, and disposed of your cleaning supplies, there’s still the matter of cleaning your current home before you leave. Whether you’re renting or selling, leaving a clean space is both courteous and often required.

  • Final Clean-Up Checklist: As you pack and clear out your home, go room by room to clean surfaces, vacuum, and dust. Pay special attention to areas you may have overlooked, such as baseboards, windowsills, and behind appliances.
  • Hire a Professional Cleaner: If your budget allows, hiring a professional cleaner for a move-out deep clean can take the pressure off. It ensures the home is in pristine condition for the next residents or potential buyers.
  • Use Remaining Supplies: Use up your remaining cleaning supplies for this final clean. That way, you won’t have to transport nearly empty bottles or waste products.

Pro Tip:

Don’t forget to clean appliances that are staying behind, like the refrigerator, oven, or dishwasher. These often get missed during a move-out cleaning but are critical if you're leaving a rental or selling your home.

6. Prepping for Your New Home

Once you’ve arrived at your new home, one of the first things you’ll need is your cleaning supplies. After unpacking the essentials like bedding and kitchen items, having cleaning products on hand will help you settle in. Before you unpack fully, give your new space a quick clean:

  • Wipe Down Surfaces: Even if your new home looks clean, it’s always a good idea to wipe down countertops, shelves, and cabinets before putting things away.
  • Vacuum or Sweep Floors: If the floors weren’t cleaned before your move, a quick sweep or vacuum can remove dust or debris from the moving process.

Pro Tip:

Pack a "first-day" essentials box with key cleaning supplies, paper towels, and trash bags. That way, you’re ready to tackle any quick clean-ups without rummaging through boxes.


Dealing with cleaning supplies when moving doesn’t have to be a headache. By taking the time to assess, consolidate, and carefully pack what you’ll use, you can ensure you’re prepared for both leaving your old home and settling into your new one. Whether you choose to donate, toss, or take items with you, following the steps outlined here will make your moving process cleaner—literally and figuratively!

With the right approach, you’ll be able to move confidently, knowing you’ve handled your cleaning supplies safely and efficiently, and can start your new chapter in a fresh, clean space.

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