You no longer need to worry about the challenging tasks when it comes to packing and organizing your moving process. With our premium plastic moving bins and green storage bins, this is no longer a concern.
Rent Our BinsWhen you're moving, time is everything. You need to choose the right time and moment to save money and have a move without stress. However, is it better to move during weekdays or weekend? As experts in all moving supplies, we at Capital City Bins will give you some crucial information that can help you choose the best time for you. Of course, like everything else, it depends on your personal needs. Here are some observations that we've made and some pros and cons for both options.
When you ask any moving company they will tell you that there are periods when moving will be cheaper. Among those differences is also the comparison between weekends and weekdays. The same will go for your moving supplies. When it's Friday, people already start calling for plastic bin boxes and other supplies. However, if you're able to buy your packing supplies during the week you'll be more likely to find good deals. If money is an issue, your choice must be the period at the beginning of the week.
You can save money by opting for a move during the week
If you have a flexible job your choice will obviously be the weekdays. However, what can you do when it's a standard 9 to 5 and you just can't take time off whenever you want? There's no other choice than to ask for a couple of days away from work. Above all, that's because you need to get your green moving supplies and if you're moving with professionals get all the details of your move ready with them. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to take time from work. If that's your case you have no choice but to move during the weekend.
Moving requires you to have time from start to finish. It's not one of the most stressful events in a person's life for no reason. To be precise, unforeseen problems occur and you need time above all to fix them. From finding new supplies, getting storage bins you forgot originally, getting more bubble wrap and packing paper, there's a lot to do. And where there is a lot of work there is a need for more time. And when do you have more time than during the weekends? Use them wisely and complete your move in that period.
A move during weekdays or weekend? When is the best time for you?
However nice it might seem to have all that free time to move during the weekend, it's only two days. For that reason, you need to be fast and organize everything when your belongings arrive at your new home. Thankfully you can always browse the Better Business Bureau and similar third-party websites where you can find movers that are willing to get your unpacking process done in no time. Even if we believe you can do it, sometimes the weekend blows away quickly and people forget how big of a hassle and problem unpacking all those moving boxes can be.In the end, what is better for you? To move during weekdays or weekend? As we already said it's always personal preference that makes the best difference. Depending on your free time, budget, availability of movers, and many other factors your move will be done in different periods of time. Obviously, both options come with their advantages and disadvantages and it's up to you to pick the one that will help you the most. We wish you the best of luck with your move whenever you choose to execute it.