Packing Sports Gear (Do's and Dont's)

Packing Sports Gear (Do's and Dont's)

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If you play sports, you will have the demanding task of packing sports gear when you move. Depending on what sport you play and whether you do it recreationally or professionally, you have to organize yourself very seriously.

Today, we will tell you the Do's and Dont's so everything goes smoothly and without additional stress.

Make a Good Plan

Before moving, list the sports gear you need to pack. Consider the weather conditions, the trip length, and your equipment's specific needs.

That way, you will avoid the possibility of forgetting something. If you do sports professionally or own a mini-home gym, you need to plan and consider every step of packing very carefully.

Packing Materials

Buying the proper packing supplies for sports gear is important

A few days before the move, stock up on packing materials, so you don't end up missing boxes or other gear, or if you can, hire a professional movers. From materials and equipment, prepare the following:

  • Boxes
  • Bags
  • Professional suitcases
  • Sports bags
  • Crackling foil
  • Tape and scissors
  • Soft materials
  • Markers and tapes for marking boxes.

Packing sports equipment can be very delicate, so it is important to provide all the necessary packing materials on time.

How Do You Choose the Right Packing Supplies?

To ensure safe packaging and transport of your sports gear, provide boxes of different sizes. Depending on the size of the equipment, it would be good to have smaller boxes for smaller pieces of equipment, and larger boxes for larger pieces of sports equipment.

If you kept the original boxes, you would have made it easier to pack the equipment. You can use large bags to pack jerseys, mats, and sneakers. Also, if you have suitcases, it will be easier and safer to pack sensitive and expensive pieces of equipment.

What You Need to Bring

No matter what sport you play, there are items and gear that you have to pack and take with you. Here are a few examples of what you should definitely pack when you start packing, depending on the sport you play:


If you are hiking, be sure to pack hiking boots, a compass, a map, a tent, a sleeping bag, and extra clothing.


For football, you need soccer cleats, a jersey, a ball, shorts, and a water bottle.


When it comes to swimming, bring a bathing suit, swimming goggles, a swimming cap, and flip-flops for the pool. If you're going rifting or some other water sport, bring your equipment and don't forget your safety vest.


Just like football, basketball has gear, so pack basketball shoes, a jersey, and a ball. If you play outdoors, bring wrist guards and an extra ball.


Cycling has slightly different equipment so pack a helmet, protective gloves, bike lights, a tire pump, and a spare tire. These are just some of the sports and sports equipment that should be carefully packed and moved without being lost or forgotten.

Protection of Fragile Parts

If your sports gear has fragile parts, it is best to protect them. Use foam padding, bubble wrap, or even an old towel to protect these areas. If you play billiards, tennis, or any other sport, provide the appropriate packing equipment to prevent damage.

Prepare the Equipment Before Packing

Before packing, you must wash, clean, and carefully dry the gear to avoid damage or the appearance of unpleasant odors. All equipment must be clean and dry before packing and transport.

If you use specialized equipment, such as helmets or harnesses, check their care instructions and inspect them regularly to make sure they are in good condition before you pack them away.

Additional Gear

In addition to basic sports equipment, don't forget to pack additional equipment. Pack the following in smaller boxes:

  • Training bag
  • Headphones
  • Fitness bracelets or watches
  • A water bottle
  • Sweatband
  • First aid, etc.

Additional equipment is also essential for successful training.

Check the Boxes

If you don't have original boxes for sports gear, mark the boxes with the equipment itself with colored stickers and markers, and do the same with the boxes containing additional equipment. Also, marking will help you quickly find what you are looking for, especially if you have a lot of equipment for different sports.

What Not to Bring

Make sure all equipment is safe and not damaged before packing

Moving is always a good way to get rid of unnecessary items, so it is with sports equipment. Before you start packing, separate the gear that is old, damaged, or simply no longer needed. Avoid carrying the following items with you:

  • Damaged or unnecessary training bags.
  • Sports clothes that are small, old, or unnecessary.
  • Sports equipment that is damaged or unusable.
  • Old water bottles
  • Damaged arm and head sweats, etc.

You can donate, throw away, or sell any sports equipment that you have left over, damaged, or simply want to buy new and thus earn extra money.

Do not Overload Bags and Boxes

Use boxes of the right size and good quality, and do not allow them to be overloaded, as this may cause them to crack as well as make transportation more difficult and thus lead to damage to sports equipment.


When you finish packing, the hard part comes loading the gear into the truck. It is very important that you put heavier items at the bottom of the vehicle and lighter items at the top. Organize the space in the truck according to the type of equipment. For example, you can separate the space for skis and boots from bicycles or mini-gyms with boxes, and in this way ensure better visibility in the truck and safety.

To make sure that your gear is secured in the truck, use straps and grid panels. These accessories will stabilize the load and prevent the boxes from moving. If all this is complicated for you, hire a professional moving company that has extensive experience in transporting these items and certainly offers appropriate insurance.

Home Gym Packing

If you have a home gym, packing is a bigger challenge, especially because of its size, so it will take a lot of time. Plan ahead of time how you will disassemble it into as few parts as possible, and provide each part nicely. If you can, hire professionals who have experience moving heavy items and who will move your gym safely. And you can ask your family or friends to help you carry it.

Key Takeaways

To save time and avoid stress when packing sports gear, it is necessary to properly plan, organize, and maintain the equipment during transport. Whether you're into running, swimming, cycling, or any other sport, it's important to know what to bring and what to leave at home and thus relieve your new home.

Get in touch with us today for all moving supplies and services.