Dec 1, 2023

Moving during a rainstorm - simple guide

Moving during a rainstorm - simple guide

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One of the worst possible scenarios on moving day is a rainstorm crashing down. In a matter of minutes, all of your belongings might be soaked. This is what happens if you don't pack them correctly. Moreover, the slippery sidewalk provides the perfect opportunity for an injury. For this reason, you should know the right way of moving during a rainstorm that is safe for you as well as your items. From using eco friendly moving boxes to wearing the right clothes, our simple guide will give you all the information you need.

Pack the right way when moving during a rainstorm

While you can't predict everything, you should prepare for the worst. That is why you should take the weather into account when packing. You should wrap electronic devices with plastic bubbles because the moisture might ruin them. Next, instead of placing them in cardboard boxes, you should use plastic bins. These bins are waterproof and will keep all items inside completely dry. Moreover, you can reuse them after the move as well. Rather than buying new ones, you can save money on green box rentals.

Be careful with electronics when moving during a rainstorm.

Make sure there are no leaks when you pack electronics.Leather and wooden furniture is also susceptible to moisture, as it can distort or crack. You should wrap each item of furniture with plastic bubbles, or cover it in a plastic sheet. For those items that are not susceptible to rain, you can use regular cardboard boxes. Just make sure that you wrap each box with shrink wrap.

Don't ruin your floors

When it's raining outside, people are bound to bring some of the water and mud inside the house. If you have hardwood floors, the moisture will make them expand and eventually permanently ruin them. On the other hand, carpets stain easily, and mud stains are challenging to get out. For both of these reasons, you should protect the floors before moving during a rainstorm.Place old towels or rags outside of your door. Ask the people helping you to wipe their feet before entering. As a precaution, put more rags inside of your house, along the path that people will be walking on. Another solution is to dismantle some of the leftover cardboard boxes that you won't be using, flatten them, and use them instead. Just remember to switch them out as they get wet, to avoid water gathering on the floor.

Make two teams when moving during a rainstorm

An alternative to the idea above is to divide the movers into two groups. A couple of people can stay inside the house and hand boxes to the people loading the truck. That way, there won't be any wet or muddy shoes walking around the house.

A pair of muddy work boots.

Keep muddy shoes outside of your home.When you move by yourself, it is a good idea to ask friends and family for help with packing and moving. They will undoubtedly want to help you out. This is also a chance to spend some more time with them before you move.

The clothes you wear are a factor

When you are moving during a rainstorm, you must dress accordingly. Accidents are more likely to happen when the ground is slippery. That is why you need to wear shoes with good traction. If you slip and fall, you might seriously hurt yourself. Moreover, you don't want water getting your feet wet, so the shoes should be waterproof as well.Furthermore, remember to wear gloves, so that the boxes and items you are carrying don't slip out of your hands. Finally, a raincoat is a must-have when relocating in the rain. When your clothes become wet, they will sag and drag you down, which will cause you to fall. Avoid any potential accidents by preparing your outfits ahead of time.

Plastic items should go first on the truck

You probably cannot wrap every single box in plastic, so something will have to go into cardboard boxes. However, there is a way to avoid getting them wet. When you start to load up the moving truck, make sure to bring the plastic items first, or those with shrink wrap. Rain won't damage plastic, so your items will be safe even if they get wet. By the time you finish with those items, the rain might stop. That is when you can start loading other, more sensitive items.

Sunny sky with a few clouds.

You never know how long the rainstorm will last - it might go away quickly.

Protect your new home as well

After preparing your old home, you will leave it spotless for the new owners. On the other hand, since you are moving into a new house, you should protect it as well. This will be your home for a while, so you need to take care of it. Before you start unloading boxes from the truck, throw down some old towels and rags in front of the door. Additionally, just like in your old home, put some towels inside along the lines the movers will walk on.Another thing to keep in mind when moving in the rain is that you should unpack as quickly as possible. Start with the boxes that have electronics, books, or other items that don't do well when wet. The second reason for unpacking quickly is that you avoid getting your floors soaked. Moreover, wet boxes might create mildew and mold in your new home and ruin much more than your floors.

Be careful how you drive when moving during a rainstorm

Certainly, one of the best solutions for your move is to hire a professional moving company. They have enough experience to make your move as smooth as possible, even when moving during a rainstorm. However, if you decide to move by yourself and drive the moving truck, you should know how to do it right. Roads become slippery when wet and accidents occur more often than under normal conditions. That is precisely why you need to be very careful when driving. Don't go faster than you are comfortable, so as not to lose control of the vehicle.