Dec 1, 2023

How to set moving day priorities

How to set moving day priorities

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When you just think about how much furniture, wardrobe, decorations, kitchen utensils, books you need to pack, you just may not be sure how to set moving day priorities. But there is a solution. The secret is in good preparation and green box rentals. That is the only way to prevent relocation from turning into chaos and unnecessary torture. However, don't think this job is easy. The data say that it takes about a month to pack things from an apartment of about 50 square meters. So let's see how you can turn your moving day into a successful start of your new life.

When to set moving day priorities

If you are not sure just when to set moving day priorities, the answer is the sooner, the better. For example, you certainly need moving supplies? When do you need to disassemble your bulky furniture? And how to do it? Know that you need time for everything and that things from each room in the old apartment should be packed separately. You also need to mark the packed boxes, suitcases, and bags from one room so that you can see where each item is at any time.

A couple packing boxes after they have set moving day priorities.

Not sure just when to set moving day priorities? The answer is the sooner, the better.

Make a checklist

Take it from the experience of people who are professionally engaged in moving: make a list of things to do before the move. A list like this will keep you on the right track, and as the day of moving approaches, you’ll have an overview of the things you’ve done and ticked off th+e list. Do you need to look for safe storage and storage boxes? Or do you need packing material? Write everything down. Only then will you not forget the important things.

The box with documents

When you are setting your moving day priorities, create one box that will keep all your valuables. And one box that should always go with you is the box with all the important documents you have. Those can be anything related to the apartment, birth certificates, marriage certificates, citizenship, passports, invoices, etc. Don't put this box in the moving truck but have it on you at all times.

Many boxes in a room.

When you are setting your moving day priorities, create one box that will keep all your valuables.

The open-me-first box

To be able to function as usual after moving, pack one box for each room that will take precedence over all other packages. Mark it with a red sticker. The so-called open-first box should contain things you want to know where they are the moment you move into a new home. Also, pack one suitcase or backpack for each member of the household. Besides, most of the time during the move is spent packing and unpacking, so don’t waste time on things you haven’t used in years. Moving is the right time to get rid of them.

Schedule your move

Whether you are moving alone or hiring a moving company, make an appointment on time, and specify the time for transportation in an hour. All this can help you to set priorities in life in general and specially set moving day priorities. Take a look at the long-term weather forecast as well, as weather conditions are essential for a good relocation. Good luck!