Jul 28, 2024

How to Save Money When Moving to a Bigger Home

How to Save Money When Moving to a Bigger Home

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Moving to a larger home is always stressful and expensive. However, there are many ways you can save money during this process.

This blog will help you plan your move and find ways to save money.

Plan Ahead

Moving to a bigger home can also require a lot of money, so start planning your move a few months in advance if it's possible. Make a detailed plan and define the budget. When setting the budget, be sure to pay attention to the following costs:

  • Material and packaging costs
  • Transportation costs
  • Insurance costs
  • Costs of hiring professional companies if you are able
  • Unexpected expenses.

An advanced and separate budget can make moving easier and reduce unnecessary stress.

Budgeting is Important When Saving For a New Home

Choosing the right time

Removals are usually carried out during the weekend and summer months, so the prices are higher then. Also, moving at the beginning or end of the month can be more expensive due to high demand.

If possible, plan your move in the middle of the month to keep costs down. So try to move on weekdays or off-season. This can greatly reduce the cost of moving company services.

Get rid of unnecessary items

Moving is an ideal opportunity to get rid of unnecessary items and save money that way. Bearing in mind that the price of moving depends on the quantity, that is, the weight of items if we are moving a smaller number, we will also reduce costs.

This especially applies to items of larger dimensions. We can get rid of unnecessary belongings in several ways:

-You can organize a garage sale or online sale and, in this way, get extra money that you can use for moving expenses.

-If you have items that have been preserved, you can donate them and thus make those in need happy.

-These ways will help you reduce the number of unnecessary items and save money when moving to a bigger home.

DIY Packing

When packing items, apart from the physical effort, we also have to provide a lot of money for the necessary materials. But there are plenty of ways to save money when you move to a bigger home. Be sure to buy the following materials, such as:

  • Free Boxes
  • Use what you already have (suitcases, bags, etc.).
  • Instead of buying protective materials, use towels, blankets, pillows, and newspapers.

This will help you save money and protect your belongings during the move.

Seek Help From Friends or Family

Instead of hiring a moving agency, invite friends or family to help you. You must inform them in advance about the date of the move so that they can plan and adjust their obligations.

Their help will help you save money and, at the same time, make moving easier. At the end, when you finish moving, invite them for dinner or drinks to thank them and celebrate moving in together.

Organize Transport With Friends

If you decide to organize your transport to a new, bigger home with the help of friends or family, it will save you money. You can move things with your vehicle or with a friend's vehicle and thus save money.

If you are renting a truck, plan the space in the truck well so that you have room for as many things as possible. Proper arrangement of things can reduce the number of trips required.

Shared Transport

If you know that someone else is moving in the same period and the same direction as you, consider sharing the transportation costs. The biggest advantage of shared transportation is saving money.

The costs of renting the truck, fuel, and driver are divided into two parts, which means that each participant pays a smaller part of the total sum.

When sharing a truck with others, your belongings must be clearly labeled and properly packed. This will make unpacking easier and prevent items from being lost or damaged.

Hiring a Moving Company

Hiring a moving company can save you money. If you find a good moving company, you will save money. Find a few companies and look at their offers to get the best price.

If you are not sure, ask friends or family for their opinion. You can also check out moving companies online. See if they offer a free moving estimate, which will save you money, and check what kind of insurance they offer.

Reduce Relocation Costs

When moving to a larger home, it is important to pay attention to upcoming expenses to save money. Install energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs to reduce your electricity bills.

Also, install thermostats that will help you control the temperature in your home and reduce heating and cooling costs because a larger apartment means higher consumption. Instead of buying new items for a bigger home, buy used items and save money.

You can find great deals on furniture, appliances, and other home furnishings in online classifieds or garage sales. If you need some repairs done, consider doing them yourself.

Many online guides and tutorials can help you learn how to do various jobs yourself. This can cost less than hiring a professional.

Explore utility deals. Look for the best offers for electricity, gas, water, internet, and cable television. Many companies have special offers for new users, so take advantage of those deals.

If you are satisfied with your existing services, ask if you can transfer them. That way, you won't pay installation fees and other costs related to opening new accounts.

Track Expenses

When you start moving, you face stress and chaos and often lose track of how much you spent and for what. So make an effort to keep a detailed record of all expenses related to the move; it will help you follow the budget and see where you can save.

If it's easier for you, you can use an application for monitoring expenses and, in that way, easily organize and control your expenses. Be prepared for unexpected situations and adapt to them, because flexibility can help you find better deals and reduce unnecessary costs.


Moving to a bigger home is always expensive and therefore a big challenge, but with careful planning and preparation, you can save money and reduce stress. The most important thing is to plan and provide a budget, but also to be prepared for sudden situations. Always keep a close eye on moving expenses. With these tips, your move will be much easier and cheaper