Dec 1, 2023

How to pack your kitchen appliances for relocation?

How to pack your kitchen appliances for relocation?

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Packing is probably the hardest part of the moving process. And not to point fingers, but the kitchen is usually the culprit. Packing your kitchen requires a game plan and carefully selected moving supplies. Dishware and silverware need to be to packed with special attention. Other than that, you have a number of appliances, both small and large. Understanding how to pack your kitchen appliances for relocation is essential when it comes to ensuring that your blender, microwave and refrigerator arrive at your new home unscathed. In this article you will find a step by step guide on how to pack appliances, as well as what are the best moving supplies for the job.

Packing small kitchen appliances

Even though small kitchen appliances demand particular care, they aren't necessarily all that problematic when it comes to packing. All you need are the right supplies, such as adequately sized plastic moving totes and a basic idea of how to pack the appliances to avoid damage during transport.

Supplies needed for packing small appliances

  1. Boxes. If you still have the original packaging for your small appliances like blenders, toasters, and coffee makers, use it. If you don’t, use small- or medium-sized plastic moving totes for the best protection of your items.
  2. Packing paper. Make sure you have plenty of packing paper you'll be using to wrap your appliances and to fill in any gaps in the boxes. Apart from packing paper, you can use dish towels for filling in the gaps.
  3. Packing tape. Seal your boxes and secure wrapping with packing tape. You can also use it for securing cords instead of twist ties.
  4. Permanent marker. It's crucial you don't forget to label the boxes with the appliances as fragile.

The most important thing you need to focus on to be able to pack your kitchen appliances properly is protecting them from damages during transport. You should secure them in the boxes so there's no room for any movement. Even a minor jolt or thud can damage your kitchen appliances, notably electrical appliances. This is why you should invest in quality packing material, rather than using recycling boxes or whatever you happen to have on-hand. If you don't want to buy boxes, consider storage bin rentals for packing up your small kitchen appliances.

Bread in a toaster

Pack your small kitchen appliances in plastic boxes only slightly bigger than the appliance itself, or in their original packaging

How to pack your kitchen appliances

  • Clean and thoroughly dry each appliance before packing.
  • Disassemble your small appliances. Remove any loose or removable parts, such as a microwave tray or blender blades.
  • Tie all cords and secure with a twist tie or packing tape before placing the item in a box. Use an additional piece of tape to attach them to the side of the item.
  • Wrap appliances with packing paper or cover with a towel. Use two to three layers of paper for all parts of the appliance. Wrap the paper firmly and use packing tape to keep it in place. If the small appliance has a non-removable door, like your toaster oven, don't forget to seal it shut with packing tape.
  • Line the moving bin with packing paper or a towel to provide a little bit of extra padding. Then carefully place the appliance in the box and fill in any gaps with packing paper to prevent it from shifting. If there is room for more than one item in the box, place another one and protect it with packing paper. Ensure you do not overload your plastic moving box.
  • If you still have the owner’s manual, put it in the box or tape it to the appliance itself.
  • Accurately label each box. Don't write just "Kitchen", be more specific instead and write for example "Kitchen - blender and kettle".
  • Secure all boxes with packing tape.
fragile sign

Don't forget to label your boxes as fragile

Packing large kitchen appliances

Moving large appliances, such as your fridge, oven, or dishwasher to your new home, is different than moving small appliances, as you'd expect. You need to make sure the appliance is properly prepared and ready to move at least a day in advance. As far as supplies go, you'll need packing tape and moving blankets. If you are moving the appliances to the truck yourself, you'll also need straps and a dolly. Here are our tips for preparing the most common large kitchen appliances for relocation.


  • The first step is obvious, empty the fridge. Do it at least 48 hours before moving it, so it has the chance to defrost. Clean and dry it, making sure you're removing any moisture.
  • Remove all detachable parts, like egg compartments, racks and dividers. Place them into a single box and label it as "Fridge parts" so you can easily find them later.
  • Seal all doors using packing tape, so they don’t open during transportation and harm the appliance. Also, tape the power cord to the back of the fridge as well. You don't want anybody to trip on it.
  • Wrap it in moving blankets to protect it from scratches.


  • Clean your oven and stovetop meticulously, so you can have a sparkling clean cooker ready for use at the new place.
  • Remove all removable parts and pack them into a separate box. Label the box.
  • If you have a gas stove, hire a qualified professional to disconnect your oven before moving day.
  • Tape bubble wrap on the oven knobs and any other part sticking out. Such parts are easily damaged during transportation, if not secured properly.
  • Wrap in moving blankets and secure with packing tape.


  • Unplug the dishwasher and turn off the water supply.
  • Disconnect and drain hoses, and leave the dishwasher door open for a couple of days prior to moving day to allow it to dry completely.
  • Wrap the hoses in packing paper or towels and place them inside the appliance. Tape the door shut.
  • Finally, wrap the dishwasher in moving blankets or and secure them with packing tape or rope.
Woman and a child using packing supplies

Getting the right supplies is crucial if you want to pack your kitchen appliances properly

Get to work

Now that you are have a thorough knowledge on how to pack your kitchen appliances, all that is left is getting the supplies needed. Keep in mind that using proper moving supplies and adequate packing techniques will protect your possessions on their road to your new home.