Apr 25, 2024

How To Deal With Post-Moving Exhaustion

How To Deal With Post-Moving Exhaustion

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Moving is often an exciting but also stressful experience. The very process of packing, moving, and unpacking can be physically and emotionally exhausting. And when you finally finish moving and settle into a new home, accumulated stress and greater exhaustion can occur. In this blog, we will explore what exhaustion is, how to recognize it, overcome it, and recover after moving.

Post-Moving Exhaustion Can Cause Sleep Problems

What is Post-Moving Exhaustion?

Exhaustion after moving is not only the physical fatigue that occurs when packing and moving things but also the emotional and mental strain that can result:

  • Physical exertion (Packing, carrying heavy boxes, assembling furniture all this leads to exhaustion)
  • Lack of rest (We often want to finish everything as quickly as possible and therefore ignore the need for rest, which leads to exhaustion)
  • Emotional disturbances (Moving can be emotionally exhausting due to a change in environment, such as parting with family or friends, but also due to a new environment.)
  • Improper diet (during and after the move, due to obligations and a rush, we do not have healthy and regular meals, which leads to exhaustion)

It is important to pay attention to the first symptoms of exhaustion after moving because it can lead to serious health problems such as chronic fatigue, anxiety, or depression.

Symptoms of Post-Move Exhaustion

After the move, many people experience various symptoms of exhaustion that can be surprisingly severe. Here are some of the common ones:

  • General fatigue and exhaustion
  • Loss of appetite or overeating
  • Sleep problems
  • Frequent headaches
  • Mood swings.

Tips to Deal With Post-Move Exhaustion

Moving can be emotionally draining. It is important to seek support and help when needed. Here are some steps to help you overcome exhaustion after moving:

  • Make a plan of what to do first after the move. That way, you will reduce unnecessary stress.
  • Rest is important (take enough time for rest and recovery after the move).
  • Ask for support and help after the move (don't hesitate to ask for help from family or friends and share the responsibilities that way).
  • When unpacking and cleaning the home, take a break. Drink some coffee, juice, or tea, or refresh yourself with fruit.
  • Find ways to relax (light exercises, meditation, or yoga can help you reduce stress and thus prevent exhaustion).
  • Ask for professional help (if you can, hire professionals. They are trained to quickly and efficiently do everything you ask of them and thus protect themselves from unnecessary stress).

These steps can help you reduce stress and deal more easily with post-move exhaustion.

Side Effects of Not Treating Post-Moving Exhaustion

Exhaustion after moving is a common and normal side effect, but it is important to recognize and deal with it properly. If neglected, it can often lead to certain consequences, such as:

  • Irritability
  • Sleep problems
  • Mental tension
  • Decreased appetite or overeating.

Lack of treatment for exhaustion can have serious side effects that can affect your daily life, and that is why it is important to take care of yourself and provide enough time for rest and recovery.

Recovery From Exhaustion After Moving

The first rule of recovery is to accept your emotions, such as sadness due to leaving your old home or anxiety due to adapting to a new environment. It is important to allow yourself to feel and overcome all these emotions. Here are some more tips on how to recover more easily from exhaustion after moving:

  • Create a recovery plan (set realistic goals and schedule activities to help you regain your balance).
  • Rest is necessary (give yourself enough time to rest and recover after the move).
  • Talk to relatives and friends (share your worries and let them give you help and support).
  • Use your hobbies to relax and maintain a positive attitude.
  • Don't be hard on yourself: give yourself time to adjust slowly.
  • Get professional help.

To recover easily from exhaustion after the move, give yourself time to adjust to the whole process because your well-being is the most important.

Be Patient With Yourself

Be Patient and Ask For Help Where Necessary

Recovery from exhaustion after moving can take time, so it's important to be patient and not set big tasks and expect quick results. Give yourself time, and everything will fall into place.

Find Ways to Relax After Moving

After moving, finding ways to relax can help you deal with exhaustion and stress more easily. Good ways to relax are:

  • Swimming
  • Meditation
  • Deep breathing
  • Enjoying the park, etc.

Remember that your physical and mental health are priorities.

How Does Post-Moving Fatigue Affect Children?

The exhaustion that comes after moving doesn't just affect us, it also affects our children. Children are often attached to their homes and surroundings, so moving disrupts their familiar routine. It is important to have open communication and allow them to express their feelings. Through open communication, support, and maintaining a routine, we can help children cope with the exhaustion that comes after moving.

Post-Moving Services for Your Home

To make the process of packing and moving easier, after you arrive at your new home, consider hiring professional moving services. These services include:

  • Cleaning services: professionals will deep clean all rooms, dust, and stains, throw away unnecessary boxes, and leave your home fresh and clean.
  • Unpacking (professionals will quickly and efficiently unpack and organize your things)
  • Organizational services (Professional organizers can help you plan the space and organize the kitchen, wardrobe, or workspace.)
  • Handyman services (professional craftsmen can solve problems such as repairing damaged walls, replacing lamps, mounting shelves, etc.)

Professional services after the move can save you time, effort, and exhaustion and reduce unnecessary stress.


Exhaustion after moving is inevitable, but it is important to treat it in time so as not to endanger your physical and emotional state. Do not forget to take care of yourself during this period and provide yourself with time to rest, because it is important to take care of yourself and your needs. So remember, your health is a priority, and you must not neglect it during the moving process.

Contact Capital City Movers at (718) 619-4881 for all your post move handyman services.