Dec 1, 2023

A guide to a sustainable home - NYC edition

A guide to a sustainable home - NYC edition

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If you have decided to start living sustainably after your relocation, this is the perfect article for you. Living in an eco-friendly home is not as hard as it seems. Moreover, there are some rules you need to include in your daily routine and some habits you need to change. However, if you are not sure how to do that, we have prepared the best guide to a sustainable home in NYC. If you follow our guide you will change your lifestyle in no time. Let us get started with our ultimate guide.

A guide to a sustainable home in NYC

There are some things you need to do before you can hire a moving company, and the first of those things is you will need to declutter your home. This lifestyle is all about having only necessary items. Therefore you will need to declutter. If you are not sure how to do that here are some tips:

  • Sort your items into 4 categories. By sorting your items into 4 categories you will know which items you are going to keep, which are you going to donate, also sort items you are going to sell, and the last category should be items you are going to recycle. Make sure to start decluttering as soon as you start planning the move. That way you will have enough time for everything.
  • Sell all unnecessary items. You can easily earn some extra cash by selling your belongings at a garage sale. Also, you will help your community. If you are not planning on keeping them you should sell them. However, you can also donate them and that will be more than sustainable
  • Clean your home with environmentally friendly cleaning supplies. Cleaning during a pandemic is important, and if you use eco-friendly household cleaners you will maintaining that sustainable lifestyle.
  • Find the best packing supplies. You will need to find companies with eco-friendly packing supplies like for example Capital City Bins. They are one of the best companies in the market.

Living a sustainable life is easy to maintain in NYC. However, the best way to do it is to start by organizing a sustainable move. That way you will have all set up for your new home.

A man on a yard sale.

The first thing you need to do is to declutter your home, and you can do that by making a yard sale.

Where can you find eco-friendly packing supplies?

When it comes to packing supplies, you will need to find the best eco-friendly option. For that reason, you will need to consider two options. First of all, you can buy second-hand cardboard boxes you will recycle afterward, or you can rent moving supplies for your DIY move. If you are interested in getting the best packing supplies for the best price you can start by looking online for second-handed moving boxes. Also, you can always go to your nearest convenience store and ask the store manager to lend you leftover cardboard boxes. All you need to do is to recycle them after you are done using them.

Plastic bins - Yes or No?

If you are interested in finding the best plastic containers for moving, you need to consider renting them from some of the best companies specialized in renting packing supplies. The only downside is that you will need to unpack faster than you probably would. However, even tho we are talking about plastic bins, you are only renting them. They are mostly made of recyclable plastic and that makes them the perfect option for a sustainable move. Yet another thing, keep in mind that plastic bins are more durable than cardboard ones. And for that reason, it is best to use them for packing heavies items and items that need more protection.

Man with plastic bin on his head.

The main thing in our guide to a sustainable home is to use plastic bins.

Guide to a sustainable home - storage solutions

Storage is really important to have in your new home. If you are having trouble finding storage solutions for your home here are some tips for you. If you by any chance have leftover large plastic moving boxes you can easily turn them into storage. Pack in them seasonal clothes you are not wearing and the most important thing is that besides the fact that those bins will protect your clothes you can always store them underneath your bead. Also, you should consider having some wooden carts. You can use them as storage as well, and you can easily turn them into decorative furniture pieces.

Why is living sustainably a good choice?

Living sustainably will help you a lot, it might seem you will have more costs when you try to prepare everything. However, if you have solar panels you will pay less for some utility bills. Also, by having solar panels you will maintain your sustainable lifestyle long term. There are some other things you can do, for example, a drip system for your yard is a good option. It will only give your plants enough water directly to roots and ground and you will save electricity if you use a pump with a solar panel. Moreover, you won't wastewater. Therefore you will save money while being eco-friendly and adopting a sustainable lifestyle.

How to teach your kids to care about the environment?

A parent's job is to teach their kids about the importance of taking care of the environment. If you start living sustainably while they are young you will have them teaching their kids the same thing one day. It will not only help your community it will help the planet we are living on. If you are not sure how to motivate your kids to be environmental-friendly here are some things you need to know. Start by explaining to them how to sort out waste and why is sorting out plastic important for our planet. Teach them that is better to use reusable straws than plastic ones. Help them understand the importance of a sustainable lifestyle, and if we all do that this world will become a better place for all of us.

A kid holding a plant.

It is important to teach your kids about a sustainable lifestyle.We hope this guide to a sustainable home in NYC will help you with changing your habits long term. For more information feel free to contact us. We would like to congratulate you on this decision to change your lifestyle and help our environment.