Dec 1, 2023

How to get rid of old and broken toys while avoiding a tantrum?

How to get rid of old and broken toys while avoiding a tantrum?

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Moving is a tough process, to begin with. However, relocating with children can be an even tougher challenge. Other than preparing children for the move people have to carefully get rid of old and broken toys, very calmly. One of the best ways to store and transport toys is to rent moving bins NYC based which can create more space for other belongings. Moving is all about organization and prioritizing. Knowing what you need and what not can be a time saver. It is also important that parents avoid temper tantrums in children during this process.

Ways to get rid of old and broken toys

Having children means having a large number of toys. As they are very curious and love exploring children tend to forget, disregard, and even break toys. These toys usually take up space and are often ignored by children. However, some children may create an emotional bond with certain toys and this can lead to potential temper tantrums in them. It is our job to safely dispose of these toys, as they serve no purpose, and provide our children safety and comfort during this process. As children grow day by day, looking for new things to explore and search for their interest in old toys may decrease. Now, there are several ways for people to dispose of unneeded toys:

  • Donating used and old toys
  • Hosting a toy swap
  • Selling unwanted toys
  • Handing over toys to friends and family

Moving represents the start of something new in one's life and this also affects children. Clearing up space during the packing process can significantly benefit one's state of mind and provide better insight into what the next move should be. Also, buying plastic moving bins BYC is a great way to store and pack toys that are being sold or donated.

A child sitting on a carpet playing with new toys after getting rid of old and broken toys.

Children tend to get emotionally attached to toys and belongings in their surroundings. That is why it is so hard to get rid of old and broken toys.

Donating used and old toys

Not everyone is lucky enough to have many toys in their early stages in life. In case your child does not show interest in certain toys or it grew out of it donating those toys could probably be the best way to go. Your unwanted toys could bring happiness and smiles to some child's face and that should be more than enough reason for you to donate.Contact local charities, kindergarten, shelter, daycares, or social services for more information on where the toys are most needed. We are sure that other children would be very happy to have new toys to play with. Also, you will be creating more space for other belongings as well as lightening the burden of moving.

Host a toy swap

Many parents probably own a large portion of toys that they do not need. Getting rid of old and broken toys is a constant struggle for most of them. However, many of these parents would gladly swap the toys their children do not want with new ones. This is why hosting a toy swap event can benefit everyone. Other than that it will be a great opportunity to make friends with other people, communicate and have fun. You can do this in your current neighborhood, school or other community gatherings. On the other hand, it will provide your children with the opportunity to communicate with other kids and possibly select the toy they like the most from the variety of choices they will have.

a colorful stack of children toys

Donating unwanted toys can free up space and put a smile on other children's faces.

Selling unwanted toys

Now, obviously this is one of the most profitable ways for a parent to reduce luggage and create more space for packing. Selling unwanted toys will not only free up space but also inject financial support into the moving process. The best way to selling these toys is to post ads online or to organize a yard sale before moving. In case your child finds it difficult to let go of these toys you can always use the money made to acquire new toys for their liking.

Handing over toys to friends and family

As we mentioned above, kids can easily and quickly outgrow their toys. That is a normal process as they tend to explore new things and find interest in almost everything. If you have friends and family that have, or are expecting, children it is wise to contact them and check if they need these toys that your child does not play with anymore. When people have children toys are something that you can never have enough of. That is why handing over unwanted toys to relatives will find good use for them in the future. Getting rid of old and broken toys does not always have to include selling or throwing away.

Getting rid of old and broken toys can induce temper tantrums to children

Children are very curious and interested in the world around them. However, they can also create emotional bonds with certain toys, items, or environments. The whole moving process can trigger these temper tantrums in children as they are not fully prepared to change the scenery or their items. We could look at these tantrums as a way for children to relieve the stress they feel. For instance, changing the environment can frustrate a child which can trigger these temper tantrums. However, children adapt quickly and tend to forget what happened in the past.

a child covering his face with his hands

Temper tantrums are a good indicator that a child is stressed.It is important to understand your child and do the best of your ability to reduce this stress. When it comes to toys, buying brand new toys that the child likes will help them stay calmer and let go of older ones that are worn out or broken. Motivating your kids to help you pack before the move can also reduce the stress they could feel. This will make them feel included in the process and take their mind off of the whole scenery change.Another great lesson your children can learn when you get rid of old and broken toys is that material value should not define their mood and behavior. Learning to let go of certain things is highly beneficial as we all face those situations during our lifetime.